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Honors Biology Students Debate Nature Vs Nurture

Honors Biology Students Debate Nature Vs Nurture

Rumsey’s Honors Biology class participated in its annual Nature versus Nurture debate on Wednesday, December 13. This academic event sparked discussion into the complexities of genetics, environment, and their interplay in shaping individual traits, and transformed the classroom into a forum of thoughtful exploration and critical thinking. The nature versus nurture debate encourages complex discussion. The nature perspective argues that biology plays a predominant role in shaping an individual's characteristics, while the nurture perspective emphasizes the impact of external factors and experiences in molding an individual's personality and behavior. Guided by their dedicated educators and faculty judges, these young minds engaged in a civil discourse, analyzing the balance between nature’s inherent influences and the nurturing environments that mold us.

12.14.23. - Nature Vs. Nurture Debate